It will be very difficult for any new social networking site to attract user’s.But it seems google has a large fanbase and it is quite possible that it will generate the curiosity among people to try something new.Currently, google+ project is not open for everyone.But those who have tested it have given it thumbs up.
Google+ has been broadly based on the concept of circles in which each circle represents a relation (colleagues,friends,family etc).In case of Facebook wall the content is shared with all friends but in goolge+ the content is shared among groups (circles) which makes a lot of sense as you don’t want to share same information with your Parents and Friends.You can also do group messaging as well as group video chat.The interface of google+ has been clean and very fast as compared to Facebook which is sometimes sluggish.
Moreover facebook has always battling with the privacy issues.Google is trying to take advantage in this area by making the privacy customizations very easy for its users.Whether Google can challenge Facebook or not can only be seen once it opens for all users but we are certain that this is the biggest rival that facebook is going to face.,
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